Chamber Launches Online Info Hub
November 22, 2022
Rael Jackson
Be Among the First to Post Job Openings and More!
The Regional Chamber is a trusted source of information and a well-known partner in our community. Take advantage of our online visibility (and boost yours at the same time) by posting your job openings and news items on our website!
Once logged in you'll find a chance to share:
- News - your latest hiring updates, expansion announcements, employee promotions/recognitions, and more;
- *Job postings - submit your job openings and view others from various industries in the region;
- Deals - offer coupons and special deals for the general public or for your fellow members (who may well be your best customers); and
- Special events - if your event is free and open to the public, add it to our Community Calendar and then share the link with others
New to the Info Hub?
Simply go to our registration page at this link to create your login and start using these member benefits right away.
Forgot your login?
Enter your email address here and we'll send you a reset link.
*Job postings are offered at no cost through March 31, 2023.