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Workplace Culture - Employer Support

Workplace culture is at the forefront of conversations about employee recruitment and retention.  It's not about hosting social gatherings and providing fun perks. It's about the well-being of the people you rely on for business success.

Creating a strong and positive company culture takes practice and strategy. You may have a diverse team, but are they truly included in goal-setting and decision-making? Are there reasonable accommodations in place for those with learning and physical disabilities? Do policies and procedures consider differences in work styles and home life?

Here are a few resources to support your journey to a powerful, diverse, and inclusive workplace culture.

Helpful Resources

Hiring Practices
Inclusive recruitment guarantees the widest variety of staff and the best possible choice of candidates. In fact, diversity of employees, especially at higher levels, is one of the best possible indicators of both long-term growth and overall innovation, with more diverse management teams tending to far outperform less-diverse competitors. Take a look at a few Strategies for Inclusive Hiring and contact us for guidance specific to your own business.



Mental Wellness in the Workplace
While employees are more productive now than ever before, many also have intense feelings of loneliness, depression, seasonal depression, anxiety and substance use challenges. These issues can impact team communication, workflow, turnover and, ultimately, your bottom line. 

Create Change - make an impact with strategies for fostering a happy, healthy work environment.


Mental Health First Aid Training - an interactive 12-hour course that presents an overview of mental illness and substance use disorders in the U.S. and introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems, builds understanding of their impact, and overviews common treatments.


National Mental Health Alliance / NAMI Piedmont Tri-County - with a mission of improving the quality of life and treatment for those who live with mental health conditions and their family members through education, support, and advocacy, our regional chapter of NAMI can help employers and individual with the resources needed to improve mental wellness in the workplace.



Access and Accommodation 
Qualified workers with disabilities add value to the workforce and are often discounted due to misconceptions about needed accommodations. Job accommodations are often not as significant as many believe, but play a vital role in creating inclusive workplaces, advancing the goals of the ADA, and increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.  Find out more at the Job Accommodation Network.



Human Resource Consulting Services
Check out these chamber-member professionals who provide consulting services in the area of Human Resource Management

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